Mercedes-Benz, SEAT, CUPRA, Dealer, Dublin, Used Cars, Service
SEAT Service

No worries. Just memories.
Call our Service department today on 01 8692400!

Worry-free driving.
Protect the value of your SEAT.
Book a service

From the comfort of your arm chair.
Have you looked at our guaranteed price servicing? Happy now our pricing is affordable? Ok the next step is to book on line and get a printed quote before you even visit your local SEAT Retailer
SEAT Service plan

Buy service plans online.
Whatever the model, you're covered with SEAT Service Plans.

You're on your way.
Comprehensive warranty offers tailored to you. Cost-effective coverage. So you can enjoy the journey.
Our commitment

Focused on what matters most.
No matter where your road leads, we’re dedicated to helping you reach your destination. Because you’re our number one priority.
End-of-Life vehicles

Looking out for the future.
When your SEAT reaches the end of its lifespan, many of its parts can be reused. Preparing for tomorrow, today.
Tyre protection

Enjoy the chaos.
Whether it’s a quick trip to the shop or an unexpected errand, there’s never a dull moment in the day. That’s why your SEAT comes with the SEAT tyre protection scheme to keep it ready to go whenever you are. So you can enjoy every moment. And leave your worries behind.

Be eco-friendly.
AdBlue is a non-toxic, non-flammable, odourless and biodegradable. Cars are cleaner and more efficient, meaning lower levels of harmful exhaust emissions such as Nitrogen Oxide (NOx).